Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Breaking the Grid

For my first experiment I create a simple appearance to introduce a quote in the middle of the article. I used the same font for every column, but I changed the size for the centre quote. The main article font is 18 pt., whereas the quote has 24 pt.

For my second experiment I used a yellow square in order to highlight the quote. I also put it in the middle of the page to capture the attention. By placing there the most interesting quote I tried to make the reader curious to read the whole article.

For the third experiment I used a brown square to create a contrast between the article and the quote. 

For the final experiment I used a red polygon in order to create an interesting overview. I liked the way that the text fits every corner of the polygon and I used white colour for the inside text to make a connection with the article, creating a light contrast. 

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