Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Bright Ideas Design Business Card - Final

Having the concept of 'less is more' in mind, I wanted to create a simple but expressive business card to express bright ideas but I let a mystery, by the simplistic form of the card to encourage the customer to experience by themselves the Bright Ideas experience. 

The logo of Bright Ideas is inspired by a light bulb, the symbol of ideas. Having the 'light bulb' in mind I used bright colour circles to drawn it in Illustrator (in the first instance I used Photoshop but I redrawn it in Illustrator) I wanted to make something funky but at the same time something professional, yet the card can be used for Hipsters as well as for businessmen. I chose to make it double sides because, from my point of view, it is more attractive and interesting. The first side I wanted to be as a cover page for the back, opening the contact details and. 

I used Neutra Dispaly - 18 pt. (Light and Medium for my surname). I do believe that it fits with the light bulb, making the business card simple, yet funky. 
 I kept the logo on every side to create a symmetry and I put my details in the centre of the page. I inserted my real website in order to offer more details about design and my work, pretending that I am one of the Brigh Ideas Design Staff. 

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