Tuesday, March 25, 2014

CD Cover Design Project


Kalistenic is a Romanian band formed in 
late March 2011.Kalistenic brings a distinct sound to the romanian music scene. Having aselect lineup with members influenced by a lot of various genres, Kalistenic combines groove and prog metal to bring a unique sound to the metal industry. George, Loris, Razvan and Gabi recorded their first demo in June 2011, and had their live debut in August 2011. Along with Andrei, their newest member, they are working on new tracks soon to be heard on their upcoming album.

CD Cover

All the photos I used as experiments and the final CD cover were provided by Valeriu Catalineanu - the photographer- himself. He send me these photos for free without any Copyrights condition to use only for this project.   

I used Face your Fears font downloaded for free from dafont.com. I used this font because I do consider that it fits for the genre of music the band promotes. 'Alone I die' - the title of the CD- is actually one of their Hits, yet the font is connected to the message that the song expresses. I chose black as a colour because black is a trademark for rock metal music, yet I wanted to create a specific atmosphere. I chose this photo because it is very expressive according to the title. 

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