Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Photographic Case Studies

The message 'You can help. Stop global warming' is significant accentuated by an image that presents two penguins: a mother and her child. They are looking helpless to a container of toxic substances that are burning, a factor that causes global warming. The background is apocalyptic, presenting the destruction of Earth, the main colour being grey. The only bright colours are the ones from the message and orange, colour of fire. This picture expresses depression, making the main message more dramatic. The whole advertisement captures the human attention by presenting a possible hypothesis of global warming, fact that probably would not capture the attention without a strong image. Even the message is written on bin trash metal, expressing the idea that this will be our last material if we continue to destroy the natural resources.
Having penguins as the main characters, the ad conceptualize the human feelings and kindness for animals and the campaign advices us to protect animals’ natural habitats in order to save the Planet. The way penguins are looking at the container gives a strong emotion and sadness, forcing us to be more careful with our lifestyle.

The message captures a strong meaning by adding this apocalyptic image, thus the main purpose of the campaign, to alert people about the global warming, is accomplished.  

 As the obesity is a global issue that few of us are conscious about, this campaign alerts overweight people that ‘Obesity kills’. It is used the most common killing arm: a pistol, making the message obvious for everyone. The pistol is actually a chocolate tablet and the bullet is the bitten part of the tablet. The excess of sugar, in this case chocolate, is the first cause of obesity, yet the image has a strong impact. The message ‘Obesity takes one life every 12 seconds’ is demonstrated by the concept of the photo.

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